if the freesize of this stack > 2000 and the diskspace > the size of this stack then
Answer "Compact this stack before quitting?" with "Cancel" or "No" or "Yes"
If it is "Yes" then
if cantmodify of this stack is false then
set loc of Message Box to 17,110
Put " Compacting this stack before quitting"
doMenu "Compact Stack"
pass doMenu
show menuBar
answer "The Cantmodify of this stack is set to true," &" so compacting is impossible at this time. Next session?" with "OK"
pass doMenu
end if
end if
if it is "No" then
pass domenu
end if
pass doMenu
end if
pass doMenu
end if
end doMenu
on openStack
global Stacks,theSpeech
if the version < 1.2 then
Answer "Hypercard version 1.2, or later, is available at your " &"Apple dealer. Many functions of this stack require the new " &"features. Continue?" with "Risk It" or "Go Home"
if it is "Go Home" then
visual dissolve
go home
exit openStack
end if
end if
if stacks is empty then
end if
About " ","If Monks Had Macs..."
if theSpeech is empty then TurnSpeechOn
set userLevel to 5
end openStack
on CheckGlobals
global GULevel,GPKeys,GTArrows
global GVPatn,GBTyping,GVMsg,GVTool
put the userLevel into GULevel
put the powerKeys Into GPKeys
put the textArrows into GTArrows
put the blindTyping into GBTyping
put the visible of the msg into GVMsg
put the visible of tool window into GVTool
put the visible of pattern window into GVPatn
end CheckGlobals
on closeStack
global GULevel,GPKeys,GTArrows
Global GVPatn,GBTyping,GVMsg,GVTool
global PendState,lastClick
put empty into lastClick
put empty into PendState
if GULevel is empty then
end if
set the userLevel to GULevel
set the powerKeys to GPKeys
set the textArrows to GTArrows
set the blindTyping to GBTyping
set the visible of the msg to GVMsg
set the visible of tool window to GVTool
set the visible of pattern window to GVPatn
end closeStack
function MacintalkInstalled
global theSpeech
return not (theSpeech is empty)
end MacintalkInstalled
on say
if MacintalkInstalled()
then pass say
end say
on sayphonetic
if MacintalkInstalled()
then pass sayphonetic
end sayphonetic
on setrate
if MacintalkInstalled()
then pass setrate
end setrate
on setpitch
if MacintalkInstalled()
then pass setpitch
end setpitch
--Those portions of this stack's scripts that are not Brian Thomas's,
--and those portions of the stacks's scripts that were not stolen (with
--credit given) from other stacks, and those portions of the screen of
--"Li'l Beaver" that Scott Watson wouldn't recognize, are the work of
--Philip A. Mohr, Jr., 4405 N. Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead, Ca. 91770, who
--asks only that you credit him if you find another use for any of the
--scripts or concepts in this stack. Sending him a copy of your stack
--would be a nice touch, as would posting a copy of your stack on a
--commercial service where it would also be available to all.